
Reconstructive Foot/Ankle Surgery
- Flatfoot/cavus surgical reconstruction
- Ankle joint distraction/fusion/replacement
- Total Ankle Joint Replacement Surgery
- Customized 3-D printed surgical reconstruction
- Complex ankle and hindfoot deformity correction

Forefoot/Midfoot Reconstruction
- Advanced hallux valgus/bunion reconstruction
- Hammer toe repair
- Metatarsal and complex midfoot deformity reconstruction/fusion

Advanced Foot and Ankle Trauma
- Forefoot and rearfoot fracture treatment
- Ankle fracture treatment
- Ligament and tendon rupture repair/augmentation

Sports, Dance and Regenerative Medicine
Sports-specific treatment (conservative and surgical)
- Ankle sprains, ligament instability, Achilles tendon
- Heel pain, stress fractures
Dance Medicine
- Posterior ankle impingement
- Sesmoiditis, foot & ankle tendonitis
Regenerative Medicine
- Platelet Rich Plasma Injections
- Concentrated bone marrow aspirate Injections
- Amniotic Tissue Injections / Grafts

Adult & Pediatric Foot and Ankle Care
Conservative and Surgical
- Bunion deformity correction
- Ponsetti clubfoot correction method trained
- Pediatric foot and ankle surgical care
- Flatfoot, cavus foot, tendon transfers
- Metadductus

Arthritis of the Foot/Ankle
- Conservative/Surgical Treatments
- Special interest in Total Ankle Joint Replacement
- Alternative to great toe joint fusion
- Interpositional grafting
- Regenerative medicine

Peripheral Nerve Disorders
- Nerve decompression surgery
- Advanced peripheral neuropathy treatments
- Nerve repair/grafting
- Nerve entrapment/traction injuries
- Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
- Foot drop/common peroneal nerve palsy