Sports, Dance & Regenerative Medicine
Why Dr. Perler for athlete care?
Dr. Perler uniquely understands the psyche of the competitor in us all. He has a background as an “aging” athlete who was a former high school football kicker and rugby player, collegiate level rower at Indiana University, and a competitive cyclist who rode in the famous Indiana University Little 500, won an Indiana State Championship on both the road and track, and in 2014, placed 8th in master’s track nationals for sprinting.
He has served as a Board member for the Indiana Ballet Conservatory where he worked closely with several top ballet students, many of whom have since turned pro. Both of his daughters currently are dancers in training.
“Think of the magic of that foot, comparatively small, upon which your whole weight rests. It's a miracle, and the dance is a celebration of that miracle.”
- Martha Washington
Specialized Care for AOA Patients Suffering from Sport & Dance Injuries
Daily life can take a toll on everyone’s feet, but days that are filled with long practice hours and hard physical training are especially hard on the body. Running, tumbling, twirling, spinning, paddling, jumping, and strenuous exercise routines place a high toll on the legs, joints, and ankles, and the feet are often damaged by absorbing the full impact of a body in motion.
Dr. Perler has treated many different kinds of athletic injuries ranging from the “weekend warriors” to the professional. As a result of doing what they love most sometimes comes injury, however, Dr. Perler doesn’t believe that pain is “just part of the life” of an athlete.
With detailed and sports specific workups to the offering of the most current and cutting-edge treatments, Dr. Perler has been able to successfully relieve many chronic conditions and severe injuries caused by ballet dancing, professional sports, and extreme amateur competitions.
AOA Foot & Ankle Center Can Get You Back in the Game
Dr. Perler is dedicated to providing comprehensive care to elite and amateur runners, triathletes, dancers, football players, hockey player, skaters, and all other athletes who are struggling with a sports injury. Our team of specialists can provide immediate and long-term relief of sprains, strains, fractures, tendinitis, and a variety of other foot and ankle injuries.
Our treatments always begin with conservative intervention, but when simple solutions are not enough Dr. Perler is highly experienced in advanced techniques of surgical repair and reconstruction.
"Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game, one foot from a winning touchdown."
-Ross Perot
Dr. Perler also is one of the most experienced specialists in the county when it comes to the utilization of regenerative medicine via minimally invasive techniques aimed to maximize healing, while reducing the risk and recovery times associated with more traditional and invasive surgical procedures.
At AOA, we can help you live, work, and play to the best of your ability using:
- Advanced Imaging
- Shoe/footwear suggestions
- Ballet and Pointe Shoe Fitting
- Walking and Running Analysis
- Balance Testing
- Strapping/Splinting
- Ankle Braces
- Orthotic Therapy
- Regenerative Medicine
- Physical Therapy

Protecting the Livelihoods of AOA Sport and Dance Patients
At the AOA Foot & Ankle Clinic, we are proud to provide intervention, rehabilitation, and preventive care for people who make a living on their feet. We are one of the few local practices that have specific experience in ballet dance injuries and sport mechanics, and believe in the following process to get maximum results (click the steps below to learn more about the process):
Advanced Assessment and Thoughtful Intervention.
Our treatments begin with a thorough biomechanical assessment, ensuring that we are taking the best course of action to resolve your pain and instability.
Our specialized equipment allows us to pinpoint the cause of your discomfort due to the structures of your feet and legs, and can examine your gait for further causes of pain.
We work to relieve your pain as quickly as possible by offering the most updated clinical interventions and treatments for sports related musculoskeletal injuries.
Optimizing Mobility.
Not only do we work to maximize your range of motion, but our methods allow you to get the most out of the mobility that you have now. We work with professional trainers and physical therapists as part of our rehabilitation services, helping you avoid a second injury or aggravation of your condition as you heal.
Preventing Future Injuries.
We take great strides to ensure that your gait, footwear, and training methods are all in harmony to prevent as many future injuries as possible. We also create custom orthotics and braces to ease the strain on your feet and protecting your ability to perform in the future.
The AOA Foot & Ankle team is pleased to provide its services to athletes and dancers of all ages in Saint Petersburg and surrounding areas.
Cellular Therapy and Regenerative Medicine
In the following section, I will attempt to give you an overview of an exciting and evolving field of medicine that will likely change the way we treat common injuries and conditions that affect normal function of the feet. Unfortunately, as with any new and exciting treatments, there is a lot of mis-information that can often lead to confusion and poor decision making regarding what is best for you on your pathway to recovery.
Download the Regenerative Medicine Guide